Linh Phuong 3 Hotel

Linh Phuong 3 Hotel has the address at 55-57 Pham Ngoc Thach, Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho. The hotel is 10.6 km from Can Tho International Airport, 900 meters from Can Tho Bus Station. Linh Phuong 3 Hotel is built according to international 2-star standard which is an ideal choice for travelers whether traveling or traveling for a reasonable price. Rooms at the hotel are decorated in a modern style and warm lighting. When booking Linh Phuong 3 hotel, visitors will be able to rest comfortably after stressful working days or enjoy unforgettable and unforgettable moments with family and loved ones. Linh Phuong 3 Hotel has 34 rooms out of 7 floors that give you the warmth and comfort as being at home and the modern facilities such as wireless internet access, television, shower, internet access wireless (free), desk. Besides, the hotel also suggests the entertainment activities ensuring you are always interested during the holidays. Mytour staff will be happy to help you choose and book the cheapest price when you come here. Besides, tourists can sit by boat to participate in floating markets, visit fruit gardens, 130-year-old ancient houses or go to Can Tho night market ... enjoy shopping and enjoy ...
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